Lera Leshcheva is a Russian-Australian ballet dancer and a model, one of those very hard working and humble girls who work 12 hours a day practicing to achieve the best results on stage and concentrating on their school study at the same time.
Lera attracted our attention while she was still at her very young age; later Lera was invited to participate in the photo shoot for the ICON MAG (USA) Magazine where her images were accepted and the editors demanded for more works of hers. Lera spared some hours of her time being interviewed by our journalist Bryanna Reynolds at Reynolds Sisters Production.
Camera and Editing: Zev Howley at Zevelation X Film Studios.
Lera attracted our attention while she was still at her very young age; later Lera was invited to participate in the photo shoot for the ICON MAG (USA) Magazine where her images were accepted and the editors demanded for more works of hers. Lera spared some hours of her time being interviewed by our journalist Bryanna Reynolds at Reynolds Sisters Production.
Camera and Editing: Zev Howley at Zevelation X Film Studios.
Camera and Editing: Zev Howley at #ZevelationX Film Studiozevalationx.weebly.com/
Interview by journalist Bryanna Reynolds at Reynolds Sisters Productionhttps://www.facebook.com/reynoldssisters
Featured: ballet dancer and model #LeraLeshcheva
Filmed at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine venue bohemianrhapsodyclub.weebly.com bohemianrhapsodyweekly.weebly.com
Original idea/ director: Yoshi Lis
Interview by journalist Bryanna Reynolds at Reynolds Sisters Productionhttps://www.facebook.com/reynoldssisters
Featured: ballet dancer and model #LeraLeshcheva
Filmed at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine venue bohemianrhapsodyclub.weebly.com bohemianrhapsodyweekly.weebly.com
Original idea/ director: Yoshi Lis
BTS photos and BTS video by John Sacco from Marie-Antoinette photoshoot
Tuan Nguyen and Mark Fitzgerald photos from Marie-Antoinette photoshoot
photos from May 2014 event performance and Lera opening the Pierre Cardin fashion show .
photos credits: Daniel Shawyer, Edwin Tuazon, Mounir Slamani and Reza Samami
photos credits: Daniel Shawyer, Edwin Tuazon, Mounir Slamani and Reza Samami
Lera's photos by Kieran McNamara
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