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Happy reading!
Happy reading!
Interviews and songs from the musical 'My Fair Lady' now playing at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne Australia.
Multimedia Journalist: Bryanna Reynolds
Exclusive interviews with Anna O'Byrne, Charles Edwards, Reg Livermore & Mark Vincent. This particular musical was directed by Dame Julie Andrews.
You can get your tickets here: http://myfairladymusical.com.au/tickets/melbourne/
by multimedia Journalist: Bryanna Reynolds at REYNOLDS SISTER PRODUCTIONS
Exclusively for Bohemian Rhapsody Club.
Multimedia Journalist: Bryanna Reynolds
Exclusive interviews with Anna O'Byrne, Charles Edwards, Reg Livermore & Mark Vincent. This particular musical was directed by Dame Julie Andrews.
You can get your tickets here: http://myfairladymusical.com.au/tickets/melbourne/
by multimedia Journalist: Bryanna Reynolds at REYNOLDS SISTER PRODUCTIONS
Exclusively for Bohemian Rhapsody Club.
red carpet arrivals:
Special thanks:
to My Fair Lady cast for the opportunity to interview them and to Bryanna Reynolds production crew for running this project.
to My Fair Lady cast for the opportunity to interview them and to Bryanna Reynolds production crew for running this project.
Unique visitors: