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We were lucky enough to interview Lorenzo, singer and songwriter on life, his career, interests, music and family
filming and editing: Daniel Penn
presenter: Manisha Isaacs
presenter: Manisha Isaacs
Interview Transcript: LORENZO
Interview Date: 14 December 2018
Location: Como House
Interviewee: LORENZO
Interviewer: Manisha Isaacs
Videographer: Daniel Penn
Photographer: Stuart Buchanan @ Third Life Photography
Organised by: Natasha Mrchev @ Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine and Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
Organised for: Marquis Fashion Magazine
Manisha: Hi Lorenzo. Welcome to Bohemian Rhapsody Magazine independent media and publicity channel. Thank you so much for coming and thank you for your time. Thank you for the opportunity to interview and to get to know you. Your songs and music simply stand out: they are light, spiritual, inspirational and just beautiful lyrics. So tell us more about you.
LORENZO: I am a singer songwriter based in Melbourne, Australia. I've just recently signed two different labels in the States and I am classically trained and I have been writing music, singing and performing from a very young age. My family was very musical, it was an everyday thing in my household
Manisha: How would you describe your music style?
LORENZO: I love every styles and genre of music but probably the best style that suits me is Classical Pop. I am a classical singer but I really love contemporary music so I try to merge the two.
Manisha: I know that artists get inspired by what they see: be it nature, people around you or even simple day to day routine. So what is the one thing that inspires you the most?
LORENZO: I usually write about what I feel rather than what I see. I'm really inspired by things that touch people and if I see that someone is emotionally attached to what I am writing I feel like I am in the right direction for where I want my music to be portrayed.
Manisha: How would you describe the place where you create (your studio)?
LORENZO: Its actually my Bat Cave! It's a little man cave that I have at home and it allows me to close the world outside and in there I can create, I can be emotional, I can be strong, I can be sensitive and I don't need to worry about anything else that's going on around me.
Manisha: What has been your most memorable creation and why?
LORENZO: Good question, really good question. Definitely what I'm doing right now. I love the direction I'm going in, the people I am working with, I feel like everything is starting to fall into place. I'm really happy with the style of music I'm writing at the moment and I'm excited about the future.
Manisha: If not a singer who would you be instead?
LORENZO: I would definitely be a chef. I love everything about food - I love the smell, the taste, the texture. SO yes, definitely a chef
Manisha: Please tell us the name of the most famous singer that comes to your mind that you would be inspiration by?
LORENZO: Two singers, I have to say two. One, Prince because he is a creative genius and one of my favourite songs is definitely Purple Rain the other singer would definitely be Bono from U2 just because he's able to express himself through his music.
Manisha: What do you love to do in your spare time when you’re not singing
LORENZO: If not singing, I lovee to spend time with my friends and family but I recently bought a Harley and I love riding my motorbike.
Manisha: What is the first thing you would do if you won the jackpot lottery?
LORENZO: That's a good question. The first thing I would do is lock myself away and keep writing as much as I can, keep churning out the albums. I would love the world to hear my music.
Manisha: What would you like to be doing in the next 2-3 years?
LORENZO: I would love to be touring, performing my music around the world - that would be a dream come true.
Manisha: Wow. Thank you so much for your time Lorenzo...thank you very much for coming in and being with us. I would like to ask you one last question. If you had one wish what would that be?
LORENZO: One wish, my wish would be to rid the world from illness. I despise seeing young kids sick and I can't do anything about it, that would be my wish.
Manisha: Wow, children. That's so close to my heart. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot for coming
LROENZO: Thank you
Interview Date: 14 December 2018
Location: Como House
Interviewee: LORENZO
Interviewer: Manisha Isaacs
Videographer: Daniel Penn
Photographer: Stuart Buchanan @ Third Life Photography
Organised by: Natasha Mrchev @ Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine and Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
Organised for: Marquis Fashion Magazine
Manisha: Hi Lorenzo. Welcome to Bohemian Rhapsody Magazine independent media and publicity channel. Thank you so much for coming and thank you for your time. Thank you for the opportunity to interview and to get to know you. Your songs and music simply stand out: they are light, spiritual, inspirational and just beautiful lyrics. So tell us more about you.
LORENZO: I am a singer songwriter based in Melbourne, Australia. I've just recently signed two different labels in the States and I am classically trained and I have been writing music, singing and performing from a very young age. My family was very musical, it was an everyday thing in my household
Manisha: How would you describe your music style?
LORENZO: I love every styles and genre of music but probably the best style that suits me is Classical Pop. I am a classical singer but I really love contemporary music so I try to merge the two.
Manisha: I know that artists get inspired by what they see: be it nature, people around you or even simple day to day routine. So what is the one thing that inspires you the most?
LORENZO: I usually write about what I feel rather than what I see. I'm really inspired by things that touch people and if I see that someone is emotionally attached to what I am writing I feel like I am in the right direction for where I want my music to be portrayed.
Manisha: How would you describe the place where you create (your studio)?
LORENZO: Its actually my Bat Cave! It's a little man cave that I have at home and it allows me to close the world outside and in there I can create, I can be emotional, I can be strong, I can be sensitive and I don't need to worry about anything else that's going on around me.
Manisha: What has been your most memorable creation and why?
LORENZO: Good question, really good question. Definitely what I'm doing right now. I love the direction I'm going in, the people I am working with, I feel like everything is starting to fall into place. I'm really happy with the style of music I'm writing at the moment and I'm excited about the future.
Manisha: If not a singer who would you be instead?
LORENZO: I would definitely be a chef. I love everything about food - I love the smell, the taste, the texture. SO yes, definitely a chef
Manisha: Please tell us the name of the most famous singer that comes to your mind that you would be inspiration by?
LORENZO: Two singers, I have to say two. One, Prince because he is a creative genius and one of my favourite songs is definitely Purple Rain the other singer would definitely be Bono from U2 just because he's able to express himself through his music.
Manisha: What do you love to do in your spare time when you’re not singing
LORENZO: If not singing, I lovee to spend time with my friends and family but I recently bought a Harley and I love riding my motorbike.
Manisha: What is the first thing you would do if you won the jackpot lottery?
LORENZO: That's a good question. The first thing I would do is lock myself away and keep writing as much as I can, keep churning out the albums. I would love the world to hear my music.
Manisha: What would you like to be doing in the next 2-3 years?
LORENZO: I would love to be touring, performing my music around the world - that would be a dream come true.
Manisha: Wow. Thank you so much for your time Lorenzo...thank you very much for coming in and being with us. I would like to ask you one last question. If you had one wish what would that be?
LORENZO: One wish, my wish would be to rid the world from illness. I despise seeing young kids sick and I can't do anything about it, that would be my wish.
Manisha: Wow, children. That's so close to my heart. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot for coming
LROENZO: Thank you
Lorenzo’s life-long love for music began the day he found his voice. As a young boy falling in love with music, his commitment & passion for the art has led him on a musical life journey.
As a classically trained tenor, combined with his love for contemporary music, Lorenzo's songs are a powerful mix of strong vocals, creative melodies and powerful lyrics.
With smooth vocals that are full of emotion, you can't help but be drawn in to his melodic stories pulling you into an emotional journey.
During high school, Lorenzo won a scholarship to study classical music at the highly regarded Melba Conservatorium of Music. During his time there, a new, disciplined and academic approach added a professional sheen to Lorenzo’s vocal timbre. With a rising profile and growing support base, Lorenzo continues to expand his vast original repertoire.
Lorenzo found early success with a modern arrangement of the Umberto Tozzi classic Ti Amo. The launch of the song at the Lygon Street Festival led to television appearances, live performances at prestigious events such as the Italian Gala Awards at Crown Palladium, and airplay on national media such as Video Hits and Austereo.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful sound that is LORENZO - Voice of an Angel, Born of the Streets.
Lorenzo’s life-long love for music began the day he found his voice. As a young boy falling in love with music, his commitment & passion for the art has led him on a musical life journey.
As a classically trained tenor, combined with his love for contemporary music, Lorenzo's songs are a powerful mix of strong vocals, creative melodies and powerful lyrics.
With smooth vocals that are full of emotion, you can't help but be drawn in to his melodic stories pulling you into an emotional journey.
During high school, Lorenzo won a scholarship to study classical music at the highly regarded Melba Conservatorium of Music. During his time there, a new, disciplined and academic approach added a professional sheen to Lorenzo’s vocal timbre. With a rising profile and growing support base, Lorenzo continues to expand his vast original repertoire.
Lorenzo found early success with a modern arrangement of the Umberto Tozzi classic Ti Amo. The launch of the song at the Lygon Street Festival led to television appearances, live performances at prestigious events such as the Italian Gala Awards at Crown Palladium, and airplay on national media such as Video Hits and Austereo.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful sound that is LORENZO - Voice of an Angel, Born of the Streets.
photos: Stuart Buchanan at Third Life Photography
We were also fortunate enough to have time with Lorenzo and interview him ahead of his new videoclip release filmed on his new song called NOW AND FOREVER
Lorenzo talks about the song original idea and its creation history as well as on the video clip filming
Lorenzo talks about the song original idea and its creation history as well as on the video clip filming
filming and editing: Daniel Penn
presenter: Georga Byrnes
presenter: Georga Byrnes
INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT @lorenzo_australia
TWITTER: @Lorenzo_Aus
photos: Stuart Buchanan at Third Life Photography
Interview Transcript: LORENZO
Interview Date: 14 December 2018
Location: Como House
Interviewee: LORENZO
Interviewer: Georga Byrne
Videographer: Daniel Penn
Photographer: Stuart Buchanan @ Third Life Photography
Organised by: Natasha Marchev @ Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine and Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
Organised for: Marquis Fashion Magazine
Georga: Hi Lorenzo. Welcome to Bohemian Rhapsody Magazine channel. Thank you so much for your time and the opportunity to interview you. Today we want to speak to you about the release of your new song Now and Forever. Lorenzo, I've been fortunate enough to hear a sneak peak of Now and Forever and I absolutely love it. I have an idea of what I think the song is about but I would love you to tell me what the main idea of the song is.
LORENZO: Well the song is about a couple who separated and found love with other people but secretly wanted to be together. That's what Now and Forever is about. It's a bit cheeky but yeh...
Georga: I know all song writers have a different approach when they write a song and I guess I am wondering when you write a song what is your approach? Do you write alone or as part of a team?
LORENZO: It depends. Sometimes I write the melody, music, lyrics... it just depends on how I feel or sometimes I have a chorus but I haven't got a verse so I ask for a little bit of help but with this particular song there were a few people involved. A good friend of mine Michelle Schembri who is a lyricist and we also worked with a gentleman by the name of Paul Rockwell who started the music and the melody, helped me out with the melody. Then from there we actually took it to one of my favourite producers Mr Luke Batterbury and he constructed and put it all together and fine tuned everything and I'm so happy with the end result.
Georga: Bohemian Rhapsody were fortunate enough to be part of creating your videoclip and we just loved being apart of it
LORENZO: And I loved it... The Bohemian Rhapsody creative team was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of it. Natasha who is the coordinator and Michelle and myself put together a team which consisted of Fabrizio Evans and Monika and we had 2 very creative actors - Kubra and Joel, we took about 2 days of filming and I'm really over the moon with the end result.
Georga: It sounds like a really big team effort
LORENZO: It was, it was and Natasha is amazing I'm so happy to be working with her
Georga: So LORENZO, we heard that Now and Forever will be distributed to 100 countries around the world - which is amazing but what we want to know is when it will be released in Australia
LORENZO: Its actually 142 countries, not trying to brag or anything but that's pretty cool. I've signed to 2 labels in the States. GI Records is one of them and they're really behind me and pushing me. They're the driving force behind this little adventure which I'm really excited about. Now and Forever will be released on January 11 2019, Worldwide. Exciting times.
Georga: How can the listeners of Bohemian Rhapsody help you with this release. What can they share, what pages can they like, what social media platforms do you have. Where's it going to be available, how can they share it?
LORENZO: Jump on my Instagram, Facebook - keep up to date with all my music endeavours and also Now and Forever will be released, as I said before on Jan 11 so it will be on iTunes, Spotify, Google, Amazon and all the rest of social media.
Georga: We are really excited to hear Now and Forever and for it to be released but do you plan on writing and releasing other songs.
LORENZO: We sure do. The second song is already in the planning process so I'm so excited for the future. I can't wait for 2019 to come on cause I've got a feeling its going to be a big year for me.
Interview Date: 14 December 2018
Location: Como House
Interviewee: LORENZO
Interviewer: Georga Byrne
Videographer: Daniel Penn
Photographer: Stuart Buchanan @ Third Life Photography
Organised by: Natasha Marchev @ Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Online Magazine and Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
Organised for: Marquis Fashion Magazine
Georga: Hi Lorenzo. Welcome to Bohemian Rhapsody Magazine channel. Thank you so much for your time and the opportunity to interview you. Today we want to speak to you about the release of your new song Now and Forever. Lorenzo, I've been fortunate enough to hear a sneak peak of Now and Forever and I absolutely love it. I have an idea of what I think the song is about but I would love you to tell me what the main idea of the song is.
LORENZO: Well the song is about a couple who separated and found love with other people but secretly wanted to be together. That's what Now and Forever is about. It's a bit cheeky but yeh...
Georga: I know all song writers have a different approach when they write a song and I guess I am wondering when you write a song what is your approach? Do you write alone or as part of a team?
LORENZO: It depends. Sometimes I write the melody, music, lyrics... it just depends on how I feel or sometimes I have a chorus but I haven't got a verse so I ask for a little bit of help but with this particular song there were a few people involved. A good friend of mine Michelle Schembri who is a lyricist and we also worked with a gentleman by the name of Paul Rockwell who started the music and the melody, helped me out with the melody. Then from there we actually took it to one of my favourite producers Mr Luke Batterbury and he constructed and put it all together and fine tuned everything and I'm so happy with the end result.
Georga: Bohemian Rhapsody were fortunate enough to be part of creating your videoclip and we just loved being apart of it
LORENZO: And I loved it... The Bohemian Rhapsody creative team was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of it. Natasha who is the coordinator and Michelle and myself put together a team which consisted of Fabrizio Evans and Monika and we had 2 very creative actors - Kubra and Joel, we took about 2 days of filming and I'm really over the moon with the end result.
Georga: It sounds like a really big team effort
LORENZO: It was, it was and Natasha is amazing I'm so happy to be working with her
Georga: So LORENZO, we heard that Now and Forever will be distributed to 100 countries around the world - which is amazing but what we want to know is when it will be released in Australia
LORENZO: Its actually 142 countries, not trying to brag or anything but that's pretty cool. I've signed to 2 labels in the States. GI Records is one of them and they're really behind me and pushing me. They're the driving force behind this little adventure which I'm really excited about. Now and Forever will be released on January 11 2019, Worldwide. Exciting times.
Georga: How can the listeners of Bohemian Rhapsody help you with this release. What can they share, what pages can they like, what social media platforms do you have. Where's it going to be available, how can they share it?
LORENZO: Jump on my Instagram, Facebook - keep up to date with all my music endeavours and also Now and Forever will be released, as I said before on Jan 11 so it will be on iTunes, Spotify, Google, Amazon and all the rest of social media.
Georga: We are really excited to hear Now and Forever and for it to be released but do you plan on writing and releasing other songs.
LORENZO: We sure do. The second song is already in the planning process so I'm so excited for the future. I can't wait for 2019 to come on cause I've got a feeling its going to be a big year for me.
interviews BTS photos: Natasha Marchev
videoclip teaser ( the full length video to be released 11 January 2019)
NOW AND FOREVER Available for purchase through all online music stores on January 11 2019.
NOW AND FOREVER - videoclip teaser !
we recently had the pleasure of filming the videoclip NOW AND FOREVER - the first official song release from Australian Singer Songwriter - Lorenzo Iannotti / #Lorenzo https://www.facebook.com/Lorenzo-1586...
we are thrilled to be involved with this project and are looking forward to a long term collaboration with more releases in the pipe works... can not wait to show you the full videoclip and provide you with the opportunity to join us on LORENZO’s musical journey!
NOW AND FOREVER will be available for purchase through all online music stores on January 11 2019.
Credits for release: "NOW AND FOREVER" VOCALIST: LORENZO / @lorenzo_australia LYRICS: LORENZO & Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe COMPOSERS & SONGWRITERS: LORENZO, Paolo Sciulli ( Paul Rockwell) & #LukeBatterbury
PRODUCER: Luke Batterbury
"NOW AND FOREVER" Videoclip Credits
ACTORS: #KSE & Joel P Karayannis / Joel P Karayannis
PRODUCERS: Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
CASTING/ORGANISING: Natasha Marchev at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Magazine
MUAH: Monika Hodkinson at Monika Hodkinson Makeup Artist
NOW AND FOREVER - videoclip teaser !
we recently had the pleasure of filming the videoclip NOW AND FOREVER - the first official song release from Australian Singer Songwriter - Lorenzo Iannotti / #Lorenzo https://www.facebook.com/Lorenzo-1586...
we are thrilled to be involved with this project and are looking forward to a long term collaboration with more releases in the pipe works... can not wait to show you the full videoclip and provide you with the opportunity to join us on LORENZO’s musical journey!
NOW AND FOREVER will be available for purchase through all online music stores on January 11 2019.
Credits for release: "NOW AND FOREVER" VOCALIST: LORENZO / @lorenzo_australia LYRICS: LORENZO & Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe COMPOSERS & SONGWRITERS: LORENZO, Paolo Sciulli ( Paul Rockwell) & #LukeBatterbury
PRODUCER: Luke Batterbury
"NOW AND FOREVER" Videoclip Credits
ACTORS: #KSE & Joel P Karayannis / Joel P Karayannis
PRODUCERS: Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
CASTING/ORGANISING: Natasha Marchev at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Magazine
MUAH: Monika Hodkinson at Monika Hodkinson Makeup Artist
BTS photography: Fabrizio Evans
Available for purchase through all online music stores on January 11 2019.
LYRICS: LORENZO & Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
COMPOSERS & SONGWRITERS: LORENZO, Paolo Sciulli & Luke Batterbury
PRODUCER: Luke Batterbury
Videoclip Credits
ACTORS: KSE & Joel P Karayannis
PRODUCERS: Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
CASTING: Natasha Marchev at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Magazine
MUAH: Monika Hodkinson at Monika Hodkinson Makeup Artist
Available for purchase through all online music stores on January 11 2019.
LYRICS: LORENZO & Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
COMPOSERS & SONGWRITERS: LORENZO, Paolo Sciulli & Luke Batterbury
PRODUCER: Luke Batterbury
Videoclip Credits
ACTORS: KSE & Joel P Karayannis
PRODUCERS: Michelle Schembri-Lipscombe
CASTING: Natasha Marchev at Bohemian Rhapsody Club and Magazine
MUAH: Monika Hodkinson at Monika Hodkinson Makeup Artist
BTS photos working on the clip: Natasha Marchev
filming and edition: Yafei Dong
review: Olga Kirk
“Now and Forever” the new single and videoclip of Lorenzo Iannotti was launched on the 11th of January in Melbourne Australia at renowned Trax venue with a 200 people crowd attending the event and presentation .
It’s a very romantic and beautiful song with a nice pace, sound and very touching tender lyrics.
"Now and Forever" took about 12 months to write, record and produce to get to release. Lorenzo worked with a great team who each brought their unique creative genius to the song!
Lorenzo is inspired every day to write about what he feels. The audience felt his emotions and it was obvious at the event.
“I am really inspired by situations that touch people on the deep emotional level” - the song writer said.
His plans for this year are very promising!
He is looking at releasing another couple of songs. Like any hard working musician, he would love to hear his music on the radio and sang by many.
We wish Lorenzo good luck and this wish sounds very realistic to me.
“I love to make people smile and maybe be lucky enough to win an Australian or International music award”.
His favorite singers are Prince, Michael Jackson, and George Michael.
“If I was to think of one musician I would be honored to play alongside with right now - I would have to say Ed Sheeran”
I think that dreams come true and everything is possible if we have passion and talent.
I am thanking Lorenzo and the organisers of this event for the merry time we all spent at the launch as we left home with amazing mood and very warm feeling in our hearts...
It’s a very romantic and beautiful song with a nice pace, sound and very touching tender lyrics.
"Now and Forever" took about 12 months to write, record and produce to get to release. Lorenzo worked with a great team who each brought their unique creative genius to the song!
Lorenzo is inspired every day to write about what he feels. The audience felt his emotions and it was obvious at the event.
“I am really inspired by situations that touch people on the deep emotional level” - the song writer said.
His plans for this year are very promising!
He is looking at releasing another couple of songs. Like any hard working musician, he would love to hear his music on the radio and sang by many.
We wish Lorenzo good luck and this wish sounds very realistic to me.
“I love to make people smile and maybe be lucky enough to win an Australian or International music award”.
His favorite singers are Prince, Michael Jackson, and George Michael.
“If I was to think of one musician I would be honored to play alongside with right now - I would have to say Ed Sheeran”
I think that dreams come true and everything is possible if we have passion and talent.
I am thanking Lorenzo and the organisers of this event for the merry time we all spent at the launch as we left home with amazing mood and very warm feeling in our hearts...
photography: Start Buchanan at Third Life Photography
Bohemian Rhapsody Magazine expresses its special thanks to:
Lorenzo, Michelle, Daniel, Yafei, Manisha, Georga, Stuart, Olga, Fabrizio, Monika, Kubra, Joel, Fabrizio. Alex, Angela, Dasha , Tosha for their art, talent, help and creativity.
Lorenzo, Michelle, Daniel, Yafei, Manisha, Georga, Stuart, Olga, Fabrizio, Monika, Kubra, Joel, Fabrizio. Alex, Angela, Dasha , Tosha for their art, talent, help and creativity.
Unique visitors: